🇮🇹 Italy
With us
3 years
Studio Name
I am Ruggero Bruno . . .
IRRIPETIBILI was born from two of my passions: photography and my 3 daughters.
It grows to stop and capture those unrepeatable moments that we don't want to lose:
the excitement on your face when you feel your baby kicking in your belly, the love with which your daughter looks at you, the joy of your family when they play together . . . and also the beauty of your passion for dance, a portrait designed just for you that reflects your soul or your profession, the warmth of the hug with the person you love, the way he looks at you in love when you don't realize it . . . and also anything that needs to be remembered!
Winning photos
My soul
Growing and learning to know ourselves in this image the child is mirrored and the reflected image appears ethereal as if to suggest a content a second hidden essence...
this second soul confronting the first reveals the deepest sides of ourselves...
the joining in the centre of the photo of the hands suggests that it is the link between these two parts of ourselves one more external and defined is one more internal and ethereal that leads us to discover who we really are.
The red light that recalls blood and a deep feeling combined with the darkness of the black that envelops everything gives the photo an aura of mysticism that makes this tale even stronger and more magical.
Summer is ending
The balance of the photo lies in the centre where the parasol and the sea divide the scene. Opposing this perfect, static balance that represents both the very essence of life and the perfection of the instant frozen forever are the two opposites positioned diagonally to balance each other more: mother and daughter, old age and youth, static and movement, calm and enthusiasm etc.
This perfect opposing balance leads us to savour that feeling of awareness that only belongs to us when things are at their end ... through the eyes of an old man who has lived we see the end of summer as the most poetic of moments.
The beginning of an eternal friendship starts with the simplicity of a glance. Growing together as brothers means sharing more than just a path!
Little Audrey
Elegance is that simple nuance capable of transforming a girl into a woman.
Growth Magic.
The onset of adolescence marks a transitional phase between being a child and becoming a girl.
The shadows envelop the figure creating a suspension of time while the lights guide our gaze to the face projected into the future.
The facial expression encompasses gentleness, delicacy and depth, but also a touch of mystery, a characteristic trait of this developmental phase.
Kiss me
The love you receive is a joy you can read on your face, nothing like the gentleness of a father makes you feel welcomed and supported!
Lying down towards heaven, the mother closes her eyes, immersing herself in her body and listening to her son. She waits confidently for his arrival. The light is gentle so as not to disturb the intimacy of this moment. The body that will later be the protagonist of the birth is now in a state of peace as if suspended in the time of waiting.
Games of lionesses
A matriarchal portrait inspired by the figure of the lioness, which is both a metaphor for play and strength.
The figure of the mother who is stable in her position supports the three cubs who play at prevailing and grabbing the mother's attention.
These two images create the balance of forces between stability and dynamism, between firmness and irony, between strength and play.
In the girls' faces, however, there is no violent competition but sporting respect, which allows the portrait to communicate family serenity.
I believe in you
I believe in you, in your smile, in the depth of your gaze and in the possibility that you can change the world.
A shot to tell the importance of a hug today to feel supported tomorrow.
Unrepeatable moments
Photography has no time
neither past nor future.
It lives in the present of the observer,
a point of view in infinity
to make the moment eternal.
Yin and Yang
Mother and daughter, black and white, sweetness and determination.
This photo encapsulates many of the most complex aspects of the relationship between mother and daughter.
The mother stands at the feet of the daughter as a foundation for her growth, the daughter cuddles the mother in recognition of her role.
The mother's gaze is determined, extremely strong because her goal is of fundamental importance to her child's life.
The Matryoshka
Three sisters three years apart so similar that they could be matryoshkas.
In this shot each girl carves out her own space, expressing the uniqueness of her personality and the specific characteristics of her age.
In the photographic composition, the three figures fit together on several levels with equal weight, creating both dynamism and balance.
Enclosed emotions
White as the purity of feelings . . .
Soft as a soft embrace . . .
Symbol of abundance as the fertility of a mother . . .
Symbol of prosperity as the wish for a new life . . .
Cotton encloses and narrates the intimate emotions of pregnancy, which is why I have chosen its flowers to frame this first embrace between mother and her little one who has yet to meet . . .
Our Tomorrow
Mother and father caught observing their child while imagining its future.
One of the best ways to bring back real feelings in front of the camera is to help the subjects project hopes and dreams for the future.
This photo tells the whole story of the commitment, excitement and sweetness that two new parents have in imagining their child's growth path.
Lines of intimacy
The backlight of black on white outlines the harmony and beauty of the pregnant woman's body, the large hat encapsulates in similar lines the intimacy of the exclusive emotions felt by the pregnant woman.
Feeling you, holding you and supporting you in the palm of my hand, a unique emotion that returns every time I observe this moment.
A new me
In pregnancy you don't just change because of the girth of your belly: your soul changes so your face changes, your looks change...
as the baby grows so does the mother..
that is why it is important to immortalize this moment forever
and rejoice in this new beauty!
The first hug
Daddy's arms are the safest place the little one knows!
A shot to never forget . . .
The discovery
Motherhood is like a woman: a mystery to be discovered that will be illuminated by beauty.
The light and the covered but downward gaze tell of the discovery of this experience where the woman rediscovers her femininity in a new way.
From the womb to the arms
A silent shot like a sotto voce narration where the light rests gracefully on the subjects.
The details emphasize and describe the intensity of this process such as the hands that rest, contain and embrace: we see what the parents feel without seeing their gaze.