Ninety-Eighth Collection

This photo shows a beautiful little baby Dmitry! I am always very happy when my little models come back to me for new photos. I am very happy that my work is again in a new collection.

I had the opportunity to photograph this beautiful lady during her pregnancy. I used a smoke machine while taking this photo to give the baby-shoes extra attention 🤍

In Chinese culture, people celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival by eating pomelos.
Our little pomelo baby sends warm wishes for a happy Mid-Autumn Festival to everyone!

Geburtstagsshooting - Ein Kleeblatt für Deine Träume.
Diese kleine Dame ist am nächsten Tag 5 Jahre alt geworden.
Wir haben dieses besondere Ereignis gefeiert und lassen Dir das wunderschöne Klee viel Glück bringen. Ein Kleeblatt allein kann nichts tun, aber wenn Du es mit einem positiven Gedanken verbindest, kann es Wunder bewirken.
Auf ein glückliches tolles neues Lebensjahr mit vielen unvergesslichen Erlebnissen die Dich wachsen lassen. Mögen alle Deine Träume wahr werden und möge das Glück immer an Deiner Seite sein.
Manuela Niederreiner.

In this photo, beautiful Ksenia is waiting for a newborn miracle. I really wanted my photos for Ksenia to be tender and to really impress my model, to leave it in her memory.

I was able to photograph this mother during her third pregnancy, so great to see her son proudly waiting for his future brother or sister🩵💖

What can be more cute than your first birthday. Beautiful baby boy with his handsome smile in front of my camera.

Every woman needs a sister
to let go,
to feel safe to be,
A sister like that who will give you stable ground